
Showing posts from April, 2022


I did an evaluation to kind of round off the project by evaluating my own product as well as skills I have improved during this project as well as speaking about my performance during this project.

Documentary Final


Documentary Drafts and Experimentation

First Version:     Second Version: Third Version: Fourth Version: Fifth Version: Music Draft: No Pros and Cons Draft:

Documentary Feedback

  Seeing as everyone who I had sent the form to was someone who was familiar with the brief I was given for this project I had decided to ask if they felt that my doucmentary was actually appropriate for the brief we were given. I was relieved to hear this as now that I knew that my documentary was at least appropriate then I could move on with the questioning. I had also asked them if they felt what I had sent them was also appropriate for the age group we had been given in the brief and again, everyone who had taken the survey also felt that my work was fitting for the age group as seen above. This was a relief as it meant I didn't need to change the content in my doucmentary. I then decided to ask the people taking my survey if they actually enjoyed the documentary I had sent them. This was important to me as a creator as I wanted to know if my piece of work was enjoyable for a viewer. Thankfully, everyone who had viewed my work felt that they did, in fact, enjoy my documentary....